My Events

If you want to make absolutely sure you get the book(s) you want at an event you are attending, then please fill in this form. I will have some books with me on the day, but to make sure you're not disappointed, pre-ordering is best.

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Authors at the Armouries

Where: Leeds, UK

When: 8th June, 2024

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Rebels and Outlaws

Where: Liverpool, UK

When: 13th July, 2024

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Spicy and Steamy

Where: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

When: 12th October, 2024

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Books in the Desert

Where: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

When: 2nd November, 2024

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Authors Behind Bars

Where: Shrewsbury Prison, UK

When: 9th November, 2024

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Ruby Bloom - My Events >

Love and Romance

Where: Toronto, Canada

When: 3rd May, 2025

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Ruby Bloom - My Events >

Books and Ballgowns

Where: Belfast, UK

When: 28th June, 2025

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Dirty Outlaws Wanted

Where: Watford, UK

When: 20th September, 2025